Pollen Allergies in Dogs and Their Treatment

Pollen allergies in dogs, also known as canine hay fever or allergic rhinitis, occur when a dog’s immune system reacts to pollen from trees, grasses, weeds, and other plants. Pollen is a fine powder released by plants as part of their reproductive process, and it can be carried by the wind, insects, or other animals.

Symptoms of Pollen Allergies in Dogs:

Just like in humans, dogs can develop allergies to pollen, and their symptoms may include:

Itching: Dogs may experience itching, particularly around the face, ears, paws, and abdomen.

Sneezing: Like humans, dogs may exhibit sneezing as a response to irritants in the air.

Watery Eyes: Excessive tearing or watery eyes can be a sign of pollen allergies in dogs.

Runny Nose: Dogs with pollen allergies may have a runny or stuffy nose.

Coughing: Some dogs may develop a cough as a result of their allergic response.

Paw Licking: Dogs may lick their paws more frequently as a way to alleviate itching and discomfort.

It’s essential to differentiate pollen allergies from other potential causes of similar symptoms, such as food allergies, flea allergies, or environmental factors. A veterinarian can perform tests, including skin tests or blood tests, to identify specific allergens affecting the dog.

Pollen Allergies in Dogs and Their Treatment

Management of Pollen Allergies in Dogs:

Management of pollen allergies in dogs may involve various approaches:

Avoidance: Minimize the dog’s exposure to pollen by keeping them indoors during peak pollen seasons or using air purifiers.

Bathing: Regular baths can help remove pollen from the dog’s coat and skin, reducing the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

Medications: Veterinarians may prescribe antihistamines, corticosteroids, or other medications to alleviate symptoms.

Immunotherapy: In some cases, a veterinarian may recommend immunotherapy (allergy shots) to desensitize the dog’s immune system to specific allergens over time.

If you suspect that your dog has pollen allergies, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. They can provide guidance on managing the allergies and improving the quality of life for your furry friend.

Causes of Pollen Allergies in Dogs:

Pollen allergies in dogs are caused by an excessive response by the dog’s immune system triggered by pollen. The immune system is designed to protect the dog from foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses and fungi.

“In the case of allergies, the immune system sees pollen as a more formidable enemy than it actually is. The immune system mobilizes troops, causing inflammation of the skin and tissues with which the allergen comes into contact.”

This results in physical changes in the dog’s body as the inflammation leads to redness, swelling, itching, and increased production of tears or fluids in the immune system’s attempt to eliminate the foreign substance.

Pollen Allergies in Dogs and Their Treatment

“There is a genetic component to allergies. Some dogs are more likely to have their immune systems respond to pollen in this way due to their genes. However, the exact mechanism by which allergies develop in some dogs and not others is not entirely clear.”

Breeds most prone to allergies include:

  • Pitbull Terriers
  • French and English bulldogs
  • Golden and Labrador Retrievers
  • German Shepherds
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Boxers
  • West Highland White Terrier

“The United States is divided into several allergy zones organized by the types of plants and trees that flourish in those regions. Kansas, Iowa, Oklahoma, Missouri and Texas top the allergy charts every year. Cities in Florida, Pennsylvania and South Carolina also have high pollen counts.”

Rocky Mountain regions, such as Utah, Colorado, and Arizona, all tend to have lower amounts of pollen than other states. Pet parents who move interstate may notice a change in their dog’s allergies as they alter the dog’s exposure to the trigger pollen.

How Veterinarians Diagnose Pollen Allergies in Dogs?

Pollen allergies are often diagnosed based on medical history and a physical exam. Your dog’s veterinarian can run some tests to ensure that something else isn’t causing your dog’s itchy skin. They will carefully examine your pet for any signs of external parasites, such as fleas or ticks. They may also scrape the skin to look for mites.

“The gold standard for diagnosing environmental allergies is the intradermal (meaning “inside the skin”) allergy test. This is usually done by a veterinary dermatologist.”

To do this test, they will shave an area on your dog’s side to see how his skin reacts to different allergens common for that region. This is very similar to how allergies are diagnosed in humans, and allergy treatment can be designed for each dog based on those findings.

In private practice, some veterinarians may choose to perform blood tests to look for antibodies to various allergens. While this method is not as accurate as the intradermal skin test, it is another test available to narrow down which pollens may be most harmful to your pet’s immune system.

Treatment of Pollen Allergies in Dogs:

1. Drugs for Pollen Allergies:

Pollen allergies are treated in different ways, depending on the severity of the reaction and the amount of exposure to the allergen. Mild allergies are often managed seasonally with antihistamines. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as Benadryl® and Zyrtec® may be recommended, depending on clinical signs.

“While there are several over-the-counter allergy medications used in dogs, always talk to your vet about the appropriate dose and whether it is safe to start a medication in your pet. Never give your dog medications intended for people without first speaking to your veterinarian.”

More severe pollen allergies may require prescription allergy medications such as Apoquel® or steroids. Some dogs may find relief from a long-acting injectable medication like Cytopoint®.

2. Allergy tests for dogs:

If you choose to have your pet tested to identify exactly which species of pollen they are allergic to, allergy shots can be tailor-made for your dog. These injections work through a process called hyposensitization (or allergic desensitization), in which your dog’s immune system is exposed to very small microdoses, increasing amounts of the allergen to gradually increase his tolerance.

Allergy tests for dogs

3. Supplements and prescription foods:

Several supplements and prescription foods can also be helpful for dogs with allergies. Omega fatty acids help boost the skin’s natural barrier function. Products like Vetoquinol® Omega, Nutramax® Welactin and Dechra EicosaDerm™ all contain omega-3s and are easy to administer to dogs. Some prescription diets, such as Hill’s® Derm Complete, are enriched with skin-supporting ingredients to make pollen allergies more manageable year-round.

4. Topical therapy:

Topical therapy may also be helpful in reducing pollen allergies. Medicated shampoos, such as Douxo S3™ Shampoo and KetoChlor® Medicated Shampoo, can help reduce yeast and bacteria on the skin so they don’t overgrow as the immune system deals with the pollen allergy.

“Ear infections also occur frequently in patients with allergies. Regular ear cleaning with dog ear cleaners, such as EpiOtic®, can help reduce the frequency of ear infections.”

An important component of allergy management is flea and tick control. Many dogs suffer from allergies to fleas and ticks in addition to pollen. Keeping them on a high-quality preventative product can reduce overall inflammation and itchy skin that can make other allergies worse.

Recovery and management of Pollen Allergies in Dogs:

Pollen allergies are managed rather than cured. Once you’ve identified the season that affects your pet the most, it’s helpful to start allergy medications right before the pollen they’re allergic to starts to bloom. Some dogs suffer from year-round allergies and are allergic to various pollens that span multiple seasons. These dogs may need to take oral allergy medications or injections regularly throughout their lives.

“Untreated allergies lead to secondary skin infections and significant discomfort. If you are waiting to see your vet for a prescription for allergy medication, consider using a recovery collar in the meantime to prevent your dog from licking and chewing himself when not under direct supervision, to avoid hot spots and other self-traumas.”

Pollen allergies cannot be prevented without moving to a different region that lacks the pollen your dog is allergic to.

Despite this, there are several things you can do to reduce the amount of pollen in your dog’s life:

  • If your dog is allergic to grass pollen, clean his feet and cart when he comes in from outside.
  • Keeping your pet cool and indoors can reduce flare-ups.
  • Regular bathing every two to four weeks can reduce pollen on the skin and fur.
  • Using a high-quality HEPA filter can help reduce the number of pollen in your home on your skin and clothing.
  • Wash all of your pet’s bedding regularly to minimize buildup on surfaces he or she regularly comes into contact with.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are pollen allergies the most common type of seasonal allergies in dogs?

Yes, pollen allergies are the most common type of seasonal allergies in dogs. Pollen from trees, grass and weeds are all among the most common triggers of dog pollen allergies.

What medications are prescribed for pollen allergies in dogs?

Common medications prescribed for pollen allergies include:

  • Antihistamines
  • Steroids
  • Apoquel®
  • Cytopoint®

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