Top 5 Dog Bites Force

Dog bite force refers to the amount of pressure or force exerted by a dog’s jaws when it bites. It is typically measured in pounds per square inch (psi) or newtons. The bite force of a dog is influenced by various factors, including the size and strength of the dog’s jaw muscles, the shape and size of its skull, and its overall build.

“The measurement of bite force is often used as a comparative factor among different dog breeds, and some breeds are noted for having stronger bites than others. However, it’s important to understand that bite force alone doesn’t necessarily correlate with a dog’s temperament or potential danger.”

Many other factors, such as a dog’s behavior, training, and socialization, play significant roles in determining whether a dog poses a risk of aggression. Dog owners and the general public must approach dog safety with a focus on responsible ownership, proper training, and understanding canine behavior, rather than solely relying on bite force measurements to assess a dog’s potential for aggression.

Top Dog Bites Force:

Here are the top breeds of dog that have high bite force:

1. Turkish Kengal:

The Kangal is a Turkish breed of dog that is specifically known for its guarding and protective instincts. While there is limited scientific data on the exact bite force of the Kangal, it is often reported anecdotally to have one of the strongest bite forces among domestic dogs.

“Estimates of the Kangal’s bite force vary, with some sources suggesting a bite force of around 743 psi (pounds per square inch) or even higher. However, it’s important to note that these figures are not universally agreed upon, and there is a lack of standardized testing methods for measuring canine bite force.”

It’s crucial to understand that bite force alone does not determine a dog’s behavior or temperament. Factors such as training, socialization, and responsible ownership play significant roles in a dog’s overall behavior. The Kangal is recognized for its loyalty, intelligence, and protective nature, particularly when it comes to guarding livestock.

Turkish Kengal

2. Cane Corso:

The Cane Corso is a large and powerful Italian dog breed that falls into the category of Molossers, which are solidly built, muscular dogs. The breed is known for its strength, agility, and protective instincts. Cane Corsos were historically used as guard dogs, as well as for hunting and working on farms.

“Regarding the bite force of a Cane Corso, it’s challenging to provide an exact measurement as there isn’t standardized data available. Bite force can vary among individual dogs within a breed, and various factors like size, genetics, and individual strength play a role.”

However, it is generally recognized that Cane Corsos have a strong bite force. As with any powerful and large breed, proper training and socialization from an early age are crucial to ensure they become well-behaved and balanced companions. Responsible ownership is essential to manage the strength and potential guarding instincts of a Cane Corso.

3. Rottweiler:

The Rottweiler is a medium to large breed of working dog that originated in Germany. It is known for its strength, loyalty, and versatility. Rottweilers were historically used as herding dogs and later gained recognition as police and guard dogs due to their protective nature and intelligence.

“As for their bite force, it’s challenging to provide an exact measurement as various factors influence bite force, such as the individual dog’s size, jaw strength, and the testing methods used. Estimates of a Rottweiler’s bite force can vary, but it is generally considered to be strong. Some sources suggest a bite force of around 328 pounds of pressure, but these figures can differ based on the methodology and equipment used to measure them.”

It’s important to note that while Rottweilers are known for their strength, they are also recognized for their intelligence, trainability, and loyalty. Responsible ownership, proper training, and socialization are crucial factors in determining a dog’s behavior, regardless of its breed or perceived strength. Rottweilers can be wonderful companions when raised in a loving and well-structured environment.


4. German Shepherd:

The German Shepherd is a highly versatile and intelligent breed of working dog. Originally developed for herding sheep, German Shepherds are widely used today in various roles, including police work, search and rescue, detection, and as service dogs. They are known for their loyalty, trainability, and protective instincts.

“Regarding the bite force of a German Shepherd, it’s important to note that specific measurements can vary, and various studies provide different results. The bite force of a dog is influenced by factors such as the individual dog’s size, genetics, and the methodology used in testing.”

One study conducted by Dr. Brady Barr for National Geographic measured bite forces in pounds and found that the German Shepherd had a bite force of around 238 pounds of pressure. However, it’s crucial to interpret these results cautiously, as they represent only one measurement in specific conditions.

It’s also worth noting that bite force alone does not determine a dog’s behavior or potential danger. German Shepherds are generally known for their strong bite, but they are also renowned for their obedience, intelligence, and protective nature when properly trained and socialized. Responsible ownership, training, and socialization play crucial roles in a dog’s behavior.

5. Mastiff:

Mastiffs are a group of large, powerful dog breeds known for their size, strength, and gentle temperament. There are several Mastiff breeds, and they often share common characteristics such as a muscular build, a broad head, and a generally calm and affectionate nature. Some of the well-known Mastiff breeds include the English Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Neapolitan Mastiff, Tibetan Mastiff, and others.

“Determining the exact bite force of Mastiffs can be challenging, as it can vary among individuals and specific breeds within the Mastiff group. Generally, Mastiffs are known to have strong jaws and a considerable bite force due to their large size and muscular build. Their bite force is often cited as being high, but specific measurements may not be readily available.”

It’s important to note that while Mastiffs have the physical capability for a strong bite, their temperament is typically gentle and they are known for being good family dogs. Responsible ownership, proper training, and socialization are crucial factors in ensuring that any dog, including Mastiffs, behaves appropriately.



The dog bite force varies from breed to breed but Turkish Kengal has the highest bite force. The bite force of Turkish Kengal is the highest bite force among all carnivores.

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